8D07101 Chemical technology of organic substances

8D07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries (Field of education)
8D071 Engineering and engineering(Direction of training)
D097 Chemical Engineering and Processes (Educational Program Group)

Training of highly qualified chemical technologists with fundamental educational, methodological and research competencies and deep knowledge in the field of chemical technology of organic and petrochemical production, including the production and processing of polymers for various sectors of the national economy and social sphere.

Formable learning outcomes

  • demonstrates deep knowledge of modern advances in chemical technology in the field of organic catalysis and multifunctional nanomaterials

  • knows current trends, directions and patterns of development of chemical technology in the context of globalization and internationalization

  • possesses the skills of conducting the educational process at a university, including teaching, organizational and scientific-methodological activities

  • possesses the skills of professional communication at the international level, conducting patent searches and transmitting scientific information using modern information and communication technologies

  • demonstrates professional competencies in the field of organizational, managerial and entrepreneurial activities of a chemical technologist, based on a deep understanding of the characteristics of a market economy, environmental problems and social responsibility of business

  • demonstrates the ability to plan, develop, and conduct independent scientific research in the field of developing chemical technologies for innovative organic products based on modern theories and methods of analysis

  • contributes with her own original research and communicates her achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public

  • presents the results obtained from research in the form of reports and scientific publications in rating publications

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